2024第六届国际巴松艺术周,将于2024年7月14日至 7月18日在青岛市市北区隆重举行。
Axel Benoita
Axel Benoit是法国巴松演奏家,当代最受欢迎的艺术家之一,目前任莱比锡格万特豪斯管弦乐团首席巴松和德国美因茨音乐学院教授。
Axel Benoit在21岁时成为伯尔尼交响乐团首席巴松(2013-2016年),后来在瑞士洛桑室内乐团担任首席巴松(2016-2020年)。他经常受邀担任其他知名乐团的首席巴松演奏家,如马勒室内乐团、伯明翰市交响乐团、苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团、卢塞恩音乐节弦乐团、苏黎世歌剧院、韦尔比耶音乐节室内乐团、德国广播爱乐乐团、汉堡国家爱乐乐团、瑞士欧洲爱乐乐团等。除此以外,他还经常在世界上最著名的音乐厅演出,如柏林爱乐乐团厅、须磨雅楼、皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅、汉堡爱乐音乐厅、巴黎爱乐乐团厅、卢塞恩文化中心等,与Herbert Blomstedt, Andris Nelsons, Bernhard Haitink, Franz Welser-Möst or Fabio Luisi. 等著名指挥家合作。
Axel Benoit出生于1992年,6岁开始学习钢琴,9岁开始学习巴松,师从Jean-Luc André 和 Hervé Issartel。他以优异的成绩毕业于大阿维尼翁大区音乐学院,2010就读于里昂国立高等音乐学院于Carlo Colombo 学习。2012年成为苏黎世歌剧院的艺术家,并同时在苏黎世艺术大学(ZhdK)获得了独奏家硕士学位,师从Giorgio Mandolesi。
2011年,在他十九岁的时候,Axel Benoit在国际双簧管协会美国坦佩举办的比赛中获得了第一名,并自那时起参加了许多音乐节,如韦尔比耶艺术节和策马特艺术节,以及著名国际乐团,如韦尔比耶音乐节乐团、韦尔比耶音乐节室内乐团、古斯塔夫·马勒青年管弦乐团和古斯塔夫·马勒音乐学院。
Axel Benoit作为独奏家和教授曾受邀参加中国国际巴松管音乐节,并在国际上著名音乐学院曾进行大师班,如上海音乐学院、澳大利亚国家音乐学院(ANAM)、巴塞罗那利古音乐学院、米兰阿巴多音乐学院等。他还是一位活跃的室内乐演奏家,也是瑞士“Ensemble Confoederati”管弦五重奏团的成员,以及“The Universal Bassoon Ensemble”的成员。
Axel Benoit于2018年至2020年在葡萄牙波尔图音乐与表演艺术学院(ESMAE)任教,并自2021年起在瑞士锡永的国际提博尔·瓦尔加学院每年举办夏季大师班。从2022年起,他作为莱比锡门德尔松音乐戏剧学院在该校任教。
Axel Benoit作为Püchner品牌签约艺术家,使用“Superior”型号乐器演奏。
The french bassoonist Axel Benoit, one of the most sought after artist of his generation, is currently 1. Principal Bassoon at the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig and Professor at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz in Germany.
Before occupying his current position, Axel Benoit was, at 21 years old, Principal Bassoon of the Bern Symphony Orchestra (2013-2016), and later on Principal Bassoon of the Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne (2016-2020) in Switzerland.
He has been regularly invited as Principal Bassoon in other prestigious orchestras such as the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, the Lucerne Festival Strings, the Zurich Opera House, Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra, the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, the Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg, the European Philharmonic of Switzerland.
He regularly performs in the greatest halls in the world, such as the Berliner Philharmonie, the Suntory Hall, the Royal Albert Hall, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Philharmonie de Paris, the KKL in Lucerne under the direction of famous conductors such as Herbert Blomstedt, Andris Nelsons, Bernhard Haitink, Franz Welser-Möst or Fabio Luisi.
Born in 1992, he started taking lessons of piano at the age of 6 and bassoon at the age of 9, professors Jean-Luc André and Hervé Issartel. Graduated at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon (CRR) with distinction in both instruments, he was admitted to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon (CNSM) in the class of professor Carlo Colombo in 2010.
In 2012, he joined the Zurich Opera as academist, and obtained in the meantime a Soloist Master degree at the University of Arts in Zurich (ZhdK) in the class of Giorgio Mandolesi.
At 19 years old, in 2011, Axel Benoit won the 1st prize at the International Double Reed Society competition in Tempe (USA) and has since participated in many festivals such as Verbier and Zermatt, in the most famous international orchestras, such as the Verbier Festival Orchestra, the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra, the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester and the Gustav Mahler Academy.
Axel Benoit is invited as soloist and professor at the most renowned International Bassoon Festival in China, and gives Masterclasses at prestigious high schools of music such as the international Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM), Conservatori Liceu Barcelona, Abbado Academy in Milan to name a few.
He is an active chamber music player, also member of the “Ensemble Confoederatio" wind quintet in Switzerland as well as "The Universal Bassoon Ensemble".
Axel Benoit taught at the Escuola Superior de Musica e Artes do Espectaculo (ESMAE) in Porto (Portugal) from 2018-2020 and gives yearly summer Masterclasses at the international Tibor Varga Academy in Sion (Switzerland) since 2021.
From 2022, he also became Mentor for the Mendelssohn Orchestra Academy in Leipzig.
He is regularly active as soloist and professor internationally : Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France.
Axel Benoit is a "Püchner" artist and plays on a "Superior" model instrument.
Albrecht Holder
Albrecht Holder 1958年出生于德国Reutlingen,师从Siegfried Jerusalem开始学习巴松,先后在德国斯图加特音乐学院师从Herrmann Herder教授,和英国曼彻斯特皇家北方音乐学院师从William Waterhouse教授。他曾获得多个全国和国际奖项,以及德国政府奖学金。他作为独奏家和室内音乐家的演出使他走遍了美洲、亚洲和俄罗斯,以及几乎所有欧洲国家。他担任德国斯图加特爱乐乐团的首席巴松,并自1997年起担任维尔茨堡音乐学院教授。他是拜罗伊特音乐节管弦乐团的成员,斯图加特Fagottissimo巴松重奏团、Orfeo重奏团和Consortium Classicum重奏团成员,也是法兰克福当代重奏团的创始成员。1996年,他与尼古拉·帕斯凯指挥的斯图加特爱乐乐团为纳索斯唱片(8.553456)录制了莫尔特、林德派特纳和卡利沃达的巴松协奏曲。
Albrecht Holder was born in Reutlingen in 1958 and studied the bassoon, after lessons with Siegfried Jerusalem, at the Stuttgart Musikhochschule with Herrmann Herder and with William Waterhouse at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. He was awarded various national and international prizes and a German government scholarship. His appearances as a soloist and chamber-musician have taken him to the Americas, Asia and Russia, and throughout Europe. He is principal bassoonist in the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra and since 1997 has served as professor of the instrument at the Würzburg Musikhochschule. He is also a member of the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra and has appeared with Fagottissimo Stuttgart, the Orfeo Ensemble and the Consortium Classicum. He is a founder-member of the Frankfurt Ensemble Modern. In 1996 Albrecht Holder recorded bassoon concertos by Molter, Lindpaintner and Kalliwoda, with the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra under Nicolás Pasquet, for Naxos (8.553456).
Benjamin Moermond
Benjamin Moermond has been the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Principal Bassoonist since joining in 2010. He is an active performer in Hong Kong (China) and throughout the region. As a soloist, he has performed Weber’s Concerto for Bassoon, Haydn’s Sinfonia Concertante, Telemann’s Double Concerto for Bassoon and Recorder, and Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with the HK Phil. As an invited guest he has performed with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Macau Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival.
Benjamin is currently teaching bassoon at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He has also been on faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts. Benjamin graduated from The Juilliard School where he studied bassoon with Judith LeClair and Patricia Rogers, and is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio USA.
Bence Bogányi
Bence Bogányi出生在一个匈牙利音乐世家。他9岁开始跟随匈牙利的György Bokor学习巴松。之后,他在赫尔辛基的西贝柳斯音乐学院跟随László Hara 学习,并于2004年以优异成绩毕业于柏林汉斯·艾斯勒音乐学院,师从Klaus Thunemann教授。1997年,Bence Bogányi在芬兰的国际克鲁塞尔比赛中获得了一等奖;2006年,在美国印第安纳波利斯举办的国际“费尔南德·吉列特 - 雨果·福克斯”比赛中获得了一等奖,随后在慕尼黑的国际ARD音乐比赛上,作为香提利木管五重奏的一员获得了二等奖和观众奖。
1997年,Bence Bogányi被任命为赫尔辛基国家歌剧院的首席巴松;2002年,他成为赫尔辛基爱乐乐团的首席巴松,之后于2005年加入柏林广播交响乐团。从2007年到2013年,他担任慕尼黑爱乐乐团的首席巴松。作为一名室内乐演奏家和独奏家,他在欧洲和亚洲各地与知名合奏团和乐团合作演出。在Bence Bogányi的职业生涯中,他还与许多当代作曲家合作,如:Kalevi Aho(2005年),(Máté Bella)(2016年)和他的弟弟( Gergely Bogányi )(2022年),这些作曲家为他创作了巴松管协奏曲,并由他首演。
从2009年到2013年,Bence Bogányi在纽伦堡音乐学院担任巴松教授。2013年,他被任命为汉诺威音乐学院的巴松教授。
他与妻子Clara Dent-Bogányi共同于2022年创立了“CultureTone基金会”,旨在通过项目支持国际艺术家。基金会的另一个主要重点是教育和连接艺术。最近两张CD和视频作品《J.D.Zelenka/Enfant Terrible》和《Graffiti/J.F.Fasch Sonatas》展现了他们的惊人创意和才能。
Bence Bogányi was born into a Hungarian family of musicians. He took his first bassoon lessons at the age of 9 from György Bokor in Hungary. He continued his studies at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki with László Hara and graduated with honours from the Music Academy Hanns Eisler in Berlin in 2004, where Klaus Thunemann was his teacher.
In 1997 Bence Bogányi won the First Prize at the International Crusell Competition in Finland; in 2006 the First Prize at the International “Fernand Gillet – Hugo Fox” Competition in Indianapolis (USA) followed, along with the Second Prize and the Audience Prize at the International ARD Music Competition in Munich, where he competed as part of the Quintet Chantily. Bence Bogányi was appointed principal bassoonist at the Helsinki State Opera in 1997; in 2002 he won the same position at the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, before moving on to the Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin in 2005.
From 2007 to 2013 Bence Bogányi was principal bassoonist of the Munich Philharmonic. As a chamber musician and soloist, he has appeared all over Europe and Asia, performing with renowned ensembles and orchestras. Collaboration with contemporary composers is particularly important in Bence Bogányi's outstanding career. Bassoon concertos by Kalevi Aho (2005), Máté Bella (2016) and his brother Gergely Bogányi (2022), among others, were dedicated to him, which he premiered. From 2009 to 2013 Bence Bogányi taught bassoon as a professor at the Nürnberg Music Academy. In 2013 he was appointed professor of bassoon at the Hanover Academy of Music.
Together with his wife Clara Dent-Bogányi, he founded the “CultureTone Foundation” in 2022 to support international artists by bringing them together in projects. Another major focus of the foundation is on education and connecting the arts. The two latest CD and Video productions „J.D.Zelenka/Enfant Terrible“ and „Graffiti/J.F.Fasch Sonatas“, are representing their spectacular ideas and abilities.
Christopher Schaub
出生于美国,曾师从Jeff Keesecker和Gene Griswold。于2007年加入泰国马希隆大学音乐学院,目前担任国际事务副院长,泰国爱乐乐团首席巴松,并经常在亚洲各地演出和举办大师班。他也是亚洲双簧学会(ADRA)的创始理事会成员,并于2011年8月主办了ADRA的第一次会议。2023年,他在马希隆大学音乐学院主办了国际双簧协会(IDRS)年会。
Bassoonist Christopher Schaub, a native of the USA, joined the staff of the College of Music, Mahidol University (Thailand) in 2007, where he currently serves as instructor of bassoon and Assistant Dean for Global Initiatives. Dr. Schaub is currently principal bassoon of the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra and frequently travels through Asia performing and giving masterclasses. Dr. Schaub is also a founding board member of the Asian Double Reed Association(ADRA) and in August of 2011 hosted the first international conference of the ADRA, held at the College of Music. In 2023 he was host of the International Double Reed Society Conference (IDRS), Thailand. His principal bassoon teachers include Jeff Keesecker and Gene Griswold.
Frank Forst
Frank Forst出生于1969年,11岁在斯图加特开始学习巴松,师从Gerhard Hase 教授。直至1989年。他是国际音乐比赛“布拉格之春”(Prague Spring)的获奖者,也是德国音乐比赛的奖学金获得者。在汉诺威师从Klaus Thunemann教授学习期间,他是德国青年爱乐乐团的成员。1992年,他成为柏林交响乐团(今柏林音乐厅交响乐团)的首席巴松。自1997年以来,他同时在萨尔茨堡室内乐团担任首席巴松。
从1996年到2003年,他在柏林汉斯·艾斯勒音乐学院担任Klaus Thunemann的助教。2003年起,担任德国魏玛弗朗茨·李斯特音乐学院的教授。
Frank Forst作为独奏家曾与许多乐团合作,包括柏林交响乐团、萨尔茨堡室内乐团、不莱梅爱乐乐团、莱茵兰-普法尔茨国立爱乐乐团、西北德国爱乐乐团、欧洲室内乐团、加利福尼亚青年交响乐团、图林根巴赫室内乐团和新柏林室内乐团等。
他曾在德国、希腊、西班牙、卢森堡、中国、日本、中国台湾、俄罗斯、匈牙利和美国等许多地方举办大师班。2016年,他被任命为日本爱知艺术大学的客座教授,并于2016年至2018年期间担任波兰克拉科夫国立音乐学院的客座教授。此外,他还是利诺斯室内乐团(Linos Ensemble)、图林根巴赫室内乐团和东京合奏团的成员。
Frank Forst was born in 1969 and began his first bassoon lessons there at the age of eleven with Prof. Gerhard Hase in Stuttgart until 1989. He is prizewinner of the international music competition „Prague Spring“ and scholarship holder of the German Music Competition. During his studies with Prof. Klaus Thunemann in Hannover he was member of the Young German Philharmonics.
In 1992 he became solo bassoonist of the Berlin Symphony Orchestra (today’s Konzerthausorchester Berlin). Since 1997 he works closely together with the Camerata Salzburg, where he is solo bassoonist.
From 1996 to 2003 he has been assistant teacher of Prof. Klaus Thunemann at the University Hanns Eisler in Berlin. 2003 he has been appointed as a professor at the Franz Liszt University in Weimar.
Frank Forst has appeared as a soloist with many orchestras including the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, the Camerata Salzburg, the Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Philharmonic Rheinland-Pfalz, the North West German Philharmonic, the Camerata Europaea, the California Youth
Symphony, theThuringer Bach Collegium and the New Berlin Chamber Orchestra.
He was teaching in masterclasses in many countries like Germany, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, China, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, Hungary and the USA. In 2016 he was appointed as a visiting professor at the University of the Arts in Aichi, Japan and from 2016 - 2018 he was also a visiting professor of the Academy of Music in Krakow, Poland. Also he is a member of the Linos Ensemble, the Thuringer Bach Collegium and the Ensemble of Tokyo.
Fábio Cury
Fábio Cury毕业于巴西圣保罗州立大学(UNICAMP),师从Paulo Justi教授,之后考入德国汉诺威音乐学院师从Klaus Thunemann教授学习。他拥有巴西圣保罗州立大学的艺术硕士学位和圣保罗大学(USP)的音乐博士学位。他自2002年起担任圣保罗大学的巴松教授。Cury曾担任圣保罗交响乐团和圣保罗歌剧院的首席巴松,同时也是Camerata Aberta的创始成员之一,曾荣获APCA和Bravo奖。
在他广泛的录音作品中,可以找到各种各样的曲目,从巴赫的巴洛克巴松作品到Camerata Aberta的当代音乐。他录制了Mignone, Villa-Lobos, Guarnieri, Claudio Santoro, André Mehmari, Antônio Ribeiro, and Alexandre Lunsqui 等 巴西作曲家的作品。他的专辑《Velhas e novas cirandas: Brazilian music for bassoon and orchestra was 》荣获了2010年APCA奖最佳CD奖。
Fábio Cury使用的乐器是来自品牌Püchner 的“Superio”型号。
After graduating from UNICAMP under the guidance of Prof. Paulo Justi, Fábio Cury joined the solo performance class of Prof. Klaus Thunemann at Hannover Musikhochschule. Master in Arts from UNICAMP and Ph.D. in Music from USP, he has been Bassoon Professor at São Paulo University since 2002. Cury acted as the principal bassoonist at the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra and São Paulo Opera, besides being one of the founding members of Camerata Aberta, with which he received the APCA and Bravo awards.
Within his extensive phonographic production, one can find an eclectic repertory, ranging from Bach’s works on the baroque bassoon to contemporary music with Camerata Aberta. He recorded works by Brazilian composers such as Mignone, Villa-Lobos, Guarnieri, Claudio Santoro, André Mehmari, Antônio Ribeiro, and Alexandre Lunsqui, among others. His album Velhas e novas cirandas: Brazilian music for bassoon and orchestra was awarded APCA Prize for best CD in 2010.
His multifaceted musical activity and focus on Brazilian music has resulted in his strong participation in virtually every music festival and chamber music series in Brazil and to solo engagements with the most prestigious Brazilian orchestras and abroad at events in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, Colombia, Canada, USA, Belgium, Portugal, France, Slovenia, England, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Japan and China.
Fábio Cury performs on a Püchner bassoon model superior.
Hans Argeda
Hans Argeda 1981年出生于委内瑞拉。他14岁开始在委内瑞拉梅里达的安第斯大学学习音乐。几年后,他移居德国在杜塞尔多夫舒曼音乐学院学习,师从Gustavo Nuñez教授,期间还曾与Klaus Thunemann教授学习,最终以优异的成绩毕业,现为该校演奏家文凭(Konzertexamen)在读。
他在2004年曾赢得了Schmolz-Bickenbach比赛(一等奖和观众奖)。此外,他与欧洲的几家专业管弦乐团合作过,包括柏林爱乐乐团、慕尼黑巴伐利亚国家歌剧院、巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、科隆西德广播交响乐团、西南广播电台斯图加特交响乐团、琉森节庆管弦乐团、莫扎特交响乐团等。目前,他在瑞士苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团作为低音巴松演奏员,同时在苏黎世艺术大学、斯图加特国立音乐和表演艺术学院和法兰克福音乐表演艺术大学担任低音巴松老师,2020年CD《Kaleidoskop Works for Contrabassoon》获德国Opus Klassik奖提名。
Hans Argeda was born in Venezuela in 1981. At the age of 14 he took up his musical studies at the Universidad de los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela. A few years later he moved to Germany to study at the Robert Schumann Musikhochschule in Düsseldorf in the class of Gustavo Nuñez. During his studies he also took private lessons with Klaus Thunemann. He graduated from university with the best possible grade. At the moment he is a postgraduate student at the same university, doing his Konzertexamen. In 2004 he won the Schmolz-Bickenbach competition (first prize and the audience award). Furthermore he collaborated with several professional orchestras in Europe, among them the Berliner Philharmoniker , Bayrisches Staatsoper München , Bayerische Symphonieorchester Rundfunk München , WDR (Rundfunk Orchester Köln) , SWR (Rundfunk Orchester Stuttgart) , Luzern Festival Orchester , Orquesta Mozart , etc. Currently he is playing the double bassoon in the Tonhalle Orchester in Zurich, Switzerland, and works as a Contrabassoon teacher at the ZHdK (Zurich school of art) Muho ( Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst) and Frankfurt University of Musik and performing arts , nomination for the Opus Klassik 2020 award in germany for the CD Kaleidoskop Works for Contrabassoon.
Inès Pyziak
出生于瑞士,在卢森堡长大。她在卢森堡市音乐学院开始学习巴松,师从Robert Lohr,后来又跟随Rui Lopes和Pierre Gomes学习。2018年到2019年,她作为预科班学生在萨尔布吕肯师从Guilhaume Santana教授学习。之后,她在慕尼黑开始了本科学习,师从Dag Jensen教授,同时师从Gernot Friedrich学习低音巴松。
Inès Pyziak was born in Switzerland and grew up in Luxembourg. She started playing the bassoon at the Conservatory of Luxembourg City in the class of Robert Lohr, then with Rui Lopes and Pierre Gomes. From 2018 to 2019, she was a young student in the class of Guilhaume Santana in Saarbrücken. Afterwards, in 2019, she started a bachelor in Munich in the class of Dag Jensen; there, she also started taking contrabassoon lessons with Gernot Friedrich. Pyziak has played in youth orchestras such as the Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra, the Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, and the Norwegian National Youth Orchestra, and helped out in several professional orchestras in Germany.
In 2023, Pyziak was employed as a contrabassoonist in the Beethoven Orchester Bonn. She is currently playing in the Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck.
Julien Hardy
Julien Hardy八岁开始在兰斯师从Jean-Francois Angelloz学习巴松。他曾在布洛涅-比扬古学习师从Laurent Lefèvre,之后进入巴黎国立高等音乐学院与Gilbert Audin和Maurice Bourgue分别学习巴松和室内乐。19岁时,他在土伦国际比赛中获得二等奖,几个月后加入库特·马祖尔担任艺术总监的法国国家管弦乐团。随后,他先后在布宜诺斯艾利斯的国际双簧学会巴松比赛中获得一等奖,Pierre Salvi奖,最后在巴黎CNSM获得一等奖。2001年,他决定在巴塞尔音乐学院与Sergio Azzolini学习。他也是les Dissonances”乐团的成员,该乐团由David Grimal创立的,此外,他还经常受邀与马勒室内乐团和布达佩斯节日管弦乐团合作。
他还参加了著名的室内音乐节,如韦尔比耶、洛克豪斯、恩佩里音乐节、莫斯科十二月之夜音乐节,并与Nicolas Baldeyrou, Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer, Eric Le Sage, Bertrand Chamayou, Alexei Ogrintchouk, David Guerrier, Daishin Kashimoto 在阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、布拉格鲁道夫音乐厅、香榭丽舍剧院、奥赛博物馆、布宜诺斯艾利斯科隆歌剧院演出。
2007年,他被任命为国际指挥大师郑明勋麾下的法国广播爱乐乐团的首席巴松演奏家。次年,他在慕尼黑著名的ARD比赛中获奖。在里昂音乐学院工作多年后,Julien Hardy自9月起在巴黎国立高等音乐与舞蹈学院任教。
Julien Hardy began playing bassoon in Reims at the age of eight years old with Jean-Francois Angelloz. He studied with Laurent Lefèvre in Boulogne-Billancourt before joining the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris in the class of Gilbert Audin for bassoon and Maurice Bourgue for chamber music. At the age of 19, he won 2nd prize in the Toulon international competition and a few months later joined the French National Orchestra under the musical direction of Kurt Masur. Then he successively won 1st prize at the Fernand Gillet/Hugo Fox international competition in Buenos Aires, the Pierre Salvi prize and finally the First prize unanimously from the CNSM in Paris.
In 2001, he decided to study at the Musikhochschule inBasel with Sergio Azzolini. Member ofthe ensemble “lesDissonances" founded by David Grimal, he is also regu-larly invited to play with the Mahler Chamber Orchestraand the Budapest Festival Orchestra.He also participates in prestigious chamber music festivalsas Verbier, Lockenhaus, Empéri festival, December Night'sFestival in Moscow and performs at the Concertgebouwin Amsterdam, the Rudolfinum in Prague, at the Théatredes Champs-Elysées, at the Musée d'Orsay, at the TeatroColon in Buenos Aires, in the company of Nicolas Baldey.rou, Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer, Eric Le Sage, BertrandChamayou, Alexei Ogrintchouk, David Guerrier, DaishinKashimoto...
In 2007 he was appointed principal bassoonist to the RadioFrance Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of M-WChung and the following year, he was laureate at the pres.tigious ARD competition in Munich. After many years inLyon Conservatory, Julien Hardyis teaching since september in the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur Musiqueet Danse.
Julien is an endorser for Buffet Crampon, and thus contrib.utes to the development ofthe french bassoonand to theinfluence ofthe école francaise throughout the world.